Free Resources
Just so you know, this page contains some affiliate links. This means that if you buy something through them I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. I am only recommending things that are helpful and useful in my creative practice, not because of the small commissions I receive if you decide to buy something through my links. Please make sure you only spend money on the suggested products below if you need them or if you feel that they will help you achieve your goals. Thanks!
Tools & Art Materials
One of the questions that I get all the time has to do with what tools and materials I use, and I get it! I do like to know what other creatives use as part of their practice too. Here I’ve gathered all my favourite tools and art materials that I use on a regular basis in the hope that it will save you time.
Digital Illustration
Wacom Bamboo CTL-460 (that I got about 10 years ago)
Adobe Creative Cloud (especially Photoshop and Animate)
I love learning new things and reading plays a big role in my self-development.
If you’re wondering what books have had an impact on the way I think and live, this is the place where you’ll find out!
Personal Development
- Deep Work (Cal Newport)
- 7 Strategies For Wealth and Happiness (Jim Rohn)
- The Compound Effect (Darren Hardy)
- How We Learn (Benedict Carey)
- Pocket Full of Do (Chris Do)
- Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work That Matters (Jon Acuff)
- The War of Art: Break Through The Blocks And Win Your Inner Creative Battles (Steven Pressfield)
- How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Dale Carnegie)
- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Robert Cialdini)
- Make Time (Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky)
Business & Marketing
- The Graphic Artist Guild Handbook (Graphic Artist Guild)
- Show Your Work (Austin Kleon)
- Steal Like An Artist (Austin Kleon)
- The Win Without Pitching Manifesto (Blair Enns)
- Socratic Selling (Kevin Daley and Emmett Wolfe)
- This Is Marketing (Seth Godin)
- I Can Start Your Business (Russell Smith)
- Building a StoryBrand (Donald Miller)
- Sprint (Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz)
Creative Inspiration
- Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear (Elizabeth Gilbert)
- Things Are What You Make of Them (Adam J. Kurtz)
- Feck Perfuction (James Victore)
- Illustrating Children’s Books: Creating Pictures For Publication (Martin Salisbury)
- Animation 1: Learn to Animate Cartoons Step By Step (Preston Blair)
- Directing The Story (Francis Glebas)
- Framed Ink: Drawing And Composition For Visual Storytellers (Marcos Mateu-Mestre)
Blogs, Podcasts & Videos
I don’t just read books to learn. I also consume my fair share of blog posts, podcast episodes and videos. Here you’ll find the ones that are most influential in my life.
The Futur's YouTube channel (a must if you’re running a creative business)
Simon Sinek’s TED talk: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
If you’re new to watercolour, this video series is a great place to start